Just look at that girl She knows the world owes her something and she's alright Just look at that girl She knows she got that something and she's alright…
Holly came from Miami, F.L.A. Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A. Plucked her eyebrows on the way Shaved her legs and then he was a she…
We climbed and we climbed Oh, how we climbed My, how we climbed Over the stars to (the) top (Of) Tiger Mountain Forcing the lines through the snow
Tapping my feet on main street Counting the stars in the sky Stretching my arms and inspecting my palms And I'm waiting, waiting, waiting Waiting! ....
I walked into this bar And the man refused; He said, "We don't serve strangers In blue suede shoes ....
Life is just a bowl of All-Bran You wake up every morning and it's there So live as only you can It's all about enjoy it 'cos ever since you saw it There aint no one can take it away. ...
Ars Longa Vita Brevis Life is too short to paint a kiss So sing a picture, paint a song Take it home and bang your gong Life is an ill cast comedy for fools ...
It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling no And her daddy has told her to go…